-Global Foodtech Summit- 
Terms of Participation
SKS JAPAN 2024 -Global Foodtech Summit- Terms of Participation

UnlocX .Co (hereinafter referred to as “UnlocX”) hereby sets forth the following terms and conditions of participation for the hybrid event “SKS Japan 2024” organized by UnlocX. Those who apply to participate in this event are requested to confirm these terms and conditions before applying.

Article 1 (Application of these Terms and Conditions)

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to define the rights and obligations between the Applicant and the Company with respect to participation in the Event, and shall apply to all relationships related to the Event. By completing the purchase of a ticket to participate in the Event, the applicant is deemed to have accepted all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Article 2 (Contents of the Event)

The details of the Event will be notified by the Company to the applicant by posting on the Event's website.The Event is subject to change without prior notice at the discretion of the Company. In such cases, the Company will promptly notify the applicant of such changes by posting the details on the Website.

Article 3 (Archived Distribution)

Applicants may view archived videos of the Event after the Event. The Company will separately notify the applicant of the archived distribution and how to use it.

Article 4 (Fees)

The applicant shall bear all expenses incurred by him/herself in connection with participation in the Event.

Article 5 (Refund)

After the purchase of the ticket has been completed, the ticket is non-refundable due to the applicant's personal reasons, etc.

Article 6 (Handling of Personal Information)

Personal information of users obtained by the Company in connection with this event will be handled appropriately in accordance with the Company's “Privacy Policy”.

Article 7 (Prohibited Matters)

In participating in the Event and viewing the Contents, the Applicant shall not engage in any of the following acts, or any act that the Company deems to fall under any of the following items.

  1. (1) Violating these Terms of Use
  2. (2) Any act that violates laws or ordinances or offends public order and morals
  3. (3) Infringe on the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor, or any other rights or interests of the Company, the speakers of this event, or any other third party
  4. (4) copy, download, stream capture, reproduce, duplicate, copy, archive, distribute, upload, publish, modify, translate, broadcast, sell, transmit or retransmit any footage of the Event
  5. (5) Excessively burdening the Event's network or systems
  6. (6) Interfere or potentially interfere with the operation of the Event
  7. (7) Unauthorized access or attempts to gain unauthorized access to the Company's network or systems, etc.
  8. (8) Registering to participate in the Event based on false information
  9. (9) Making a third party view the videos or contents of the Event.
  10. (10) Any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate.

Article 8 (Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights)

All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to all copyrights, patents, and trademarks related to the Event shall belong to the Company or third parties holding such rights. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the copyrights to the output created at the round table sessions of the Event shall be shared by the person who participated in the round table session and created such output and by the Company, and such creator and the Company may use or exploit such work for an unlimited period of time without charge without prior consent of such person. The creator and the Company may use or exploit the work without prior consent for an unlimited period of time without charge.

Article 9 (License)

The Company may use photographs, audio, video, and other deliverables created through the Event for an unlimited period of time, and may provide them to newspapers, magazines, web news, and other media. The applicant shall not exercise any copyright, portrait right, right of name display, etc., with respect to his/her own images, sounds, contributions, etc., recorded at the Event to the extent that such use is permitted.

Article 10 (Environment for Online Participation in the Event, etc.)

The applicant shall prepare and maintain the necessary viewing environment (hardware, software, communication environment, etc.) for online participation in the Event at its own expense and responsibility.

Article 11 (Disclaimer)

In the event that the Company causes damage to the Applicant due to reasons attributable to the Company, the Company shall be liable to compensate for such damage only to the extent specified in each of the following items. (1)If the damage is caused by the Company's willful misconduct or gross negligence, the Company shall be liable for such damage. (2)If the damage is caused by the Company's slight negligence, it shall be within the scope of ordinary and direct damages (excluding special damages, lost profits, indirect damages and attorney's fees) actually suffered by the applicant, and up to the amount of the this event ticket fee paid by the applicant concerned. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the applicant is a corporation or an individual applying for the Event as a business or for business purposes, the Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by such applicant in connection with the Event, unless such damages are caused by the intentional or gross negligence of the Company. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Applicant due to natural disasters, power outages, communication or system failures, public service outages, acts of government, terrorism, war, epidemics, or other force majeure.

Article 12 (Liability of Applicant)

If the applicant violates this Agreement, the Company may refuse the applicant's participation in the Event and viewing of the Contents, and if any damage is caused to the Company or any third party as a result of such violation, the applicant shall resolve it entirely at his/her own responsibility and expense and shall not cause any trouble to the Company.

Article 13 (Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces)

The applicant shall represent and warrant that he/she is not an antisocial force and that he/she is not an antisocial force.

Article 14 (Modification of these Terms and Conditions)

The Company may change the Terms of Use. In such cases, the Company will make the changes known to the public by posting them on the Site.

Article 15 (Others)

Participation in the Event and the interpretation or application of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and in the event of any dispute, the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance.